Judge Richard L. Banks Community Justice Program

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Redemption, Rehabilitation and Restorative Justice for Individuals, Families, and Communities
Judge Richard L. Banks

     Our Program is named in honor of the late Judge Richard L. Banks, a former Chief Justice in the Roxbury District Court, who devoted his entire professional life in service to the community and country he loved.
      Our Program which began as a faith-based organizing effort in the Timothy Baptist Church, as part of a prison ministry and substance abuse outreach, later expanded its direction to combating the debilitating affects of the the Massachusetts Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI).  When the initial CORI plan proved to be unworkable, the Program shifted its direction to addressing the issues faced by men returning home after long periods of incarceration and at risk youngsters incarcerated in D.Y.S. facilities.
     While the ultimate focus of the program was to ameliorate the effects of the CORI for low level criminal offenders with substance abuse issues, the underlying goal of the Program has always been to meet the untended legal and social service needs of the more vulnerable members in our community.  To this end, the JBCJP initiated its Speaker Mentor Prevention Intervention which allows ex-offenders and recovering addicts an opportunity to speak to and mentor incarcerated youth at a community DYS facility.  The mentoring by our returning men has been so successful that it now includes an adult mentorship component.
     The Program's mission today is that of Redemption, Rehabilitation, and Restorative Justice for individuals, families, and communities.  The Program continues to include providing intervention and critical moment disposition to offenders whose substance abuse presents a major life crisis.  Our commitment to those in need remains unwavering throughout crucial moments in the total justice process.
     Our Program is dependent upon the generosity of our businesses and individuals in our community.  We do not rely on government funding.  Donations are welcome and will allow us to continue our mission and grow.

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Judge Richard L. Banks Community Justice Program
964 Parker Street, Jamaica Plain (Boston), MA  02130
A non-profit, tax exmept Community Referral Resource and Restorative Justice Initiative